Having managed to trace my Grassick line to the parish of Abernethy and Kincardine in Inverness-shire, my wife and I decided to make a trip up there in 2006 to try to get more details. What we found from the parish records was that my ancestors lived in a small croft called Rynelrick, just to the west of the Inverness-shire-Aberdeen-shire border. Here Duncan Grassick lived with his wife Isabella Grant, until his death in November 1875. His son James, born on the last day of 1843, would later head south to Edinburgh, probably around 1860.
Hi there, is the place not spelled Rynerick rather than Rynelrick?
Many thanks
Hi Micheal,
Sorry I missed your comment. I’ve seen the name spelt Rynelrick, Rynelrich and Rynetrick on old maps. Like the name Grassick, I suspect there were a number of derivatives from the spoken word, since it was never a place with an official name. In fact the map I used on the post uses the spelling Rynetrick.
Best wishes